Septic Inspections

A properly operating septic system is a vital part of many homes located in rural areas. However, the septic system is often the last thing on the mind of a homeowner until there is a problem with the system. When a home is purchased, the big question is, will I have trouble with the system after I move into the home?

Unfortunately, there is no absolute way to predict how long a septic system will last or if it will be able to handle an increased load. A septic inspection, however, can yield useful information on the condition of the system as it exists when the system is inspected.While predicting the future with regard to the septic system is not part of any septic inspection, the inspection often uncovers defects in the system which can save the purchaser unexpected expense. There are many different types of septic systems ranging from what are called conventional in-ground systems to sand mounds and from spray irrigation systems to stream discharge systems. There are also seepage pits, cesspools, and homemade systems.

Well Inspections

Water tapped by a private well is often of the highest quality. When buying a home with a private well, your home inspection should include a well system check up to ensure the well is in good working order and the quality of the water produced meets health standards. Inspection RequestYour well water inspection will include:

  • A flow test to determine system output pressure and general water quality.
  • A test of your water for coliform bacteria and nitrates (base price).
  • Additional analysis for other compounds and minerals such as; iron, sodium, hardness, sulfate, fluoride, chloride…are also available.
  • A concise, clear, report explaining results for your well that include laboratory and other test results